Strategic analyses in the wood industry

Strategic analyses in the wood industry are basic methodological tools for comprehensive diagnosis and forecasting of the development of the forest-wood sector and wood companies, taking into account internal conditions (potential, resources) and external conditions (micro- and macro-environment) for the formulation of medium- and long-term strategies for their operation and current operational objectives.



We design development strategies. We conduct sector analyses, diagnoses and forecasts. Foresight is important to us, which allows us to construct useful reports and recommendations for economic practice. We cover the forest-wood sector and the timber market.

We are engaged in a comprehensive study of the economic, organizational and technological aspects of the development strategies of the forest-wood sector, mainly at the macro- and meso-economic levels. The interdisciplinary nature of the research places it in the mainstream of such socio-economic development concepts as sustainable economy, circular economy/less waste, green economy/low-carbon economy, and especially bioeconomy.

The research team performs tasks related to: 

  • providing knowledge for the creation of development strategies for industries based on wood and other biobased materials and related industries,
  • adaptation of analytical methods to solve problems arising in economic practice,
  • basic research in economic sciences on issues related to the development of the bioeconomy,
  • expert support, consultative and advisory role (for national and international government agencies, ministries, chambers, associations and companies in and around the forest-wood sector),
  • monitoring of the economy and the forest-wood sector, as well as the creation of information on the market for timber and its processing products (the “”Wood industry” database) and cooperation in this regard with national and international institutions dedicated to the forest-wood sector.

Strategic Analyses in the wood industry - our services:

  • preparation of strategies for the development of industries based on wood and other bioresources (in connection with the national, EU and global economies);
  • preparation of sectoral analyses (forest-wood sector in the green economy: waste management, eco-products, carbon accumulation, certification, greening of production processes, environmental advantages of wood and wood products, green construction);
  • diagnosing and forecasting the development of the market for wood and wood products, including in terms of:
    – timber mobilization – raw material resource balances (supply/demand, identification of shortages and surpluses, management efficiency),
    – wood biomass (from various sources and in various forms) – resources and directions for management (material, energy),
    – wood substitution,
    – labor resources – demand for new competencies and skills;
  • use of foresight as a tool for determining the prospects for the development of the forest-wood sector, its industries and the timber market under the conditions of progressive changes in their environment;
  • formulation of recommendations for business practice in the forest-wood sector (assessment of the scale and intensity of the occurrence of phenomena, study of consumer profiles and behavior, innovation and competitiveness of the forest-wood sector (including towards Industry 4.0).

Write to us if you need a well-structured offer for strategic analysis in the wood industry.

    Our expert:

    Gabriela Bidzińska

    Phone: +48 61 8492442

    Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Poznański Instytut Technologiczny, Centrum Zrównoważonej Gospodarki, ul. Winiarska 1, 60-654 Poznań

    Gabriela Bidzińska ekspertka Łukasiewicz PIT