Centre for Sustainable Economy

Centre for a Sustainable Economy is engaged in research, development and implementation of sustainable industrial and environmental technologies. Its goal is to replace existing solutions that burden the environment – with new ones that will protect it and perhaps reverse its degradation. The centre includes research groups for materials engineering, mechanical engineering, and wood, chemical and environmental technologies.
It is at in this centre that state-of-the-art engineering and natural materials are designed, prototypes and pilot batches are produced, recycling technologies are developed or machines and equipment are created for plastic processing, the food industry or for water or air purification.

The Centre focuses activities of:

Research Group for Materials Engineering

  • Division for Engineering Materials Development
  • Division for Natural Materials Development

Research Group for Mechanical Engineering

Research Group for Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection

Project and Product Management Department 

Areas of activity:

Conducting scientific, R&D and implementation work in the field of modern materials through:bszarze nowoczesnych materiałów poprzez:

  • analysis of existing material solutions and material manufacturing processes to identify areas for development,
  • design of modern engineering and natural materials,
  • production of material prototypes and pilot batches,
  • structural analysis of materials using modern analytical methods,
  • properties testing to assess the suitability of materials for their applications, and the identification of critical conditions for their applications,
  • support of other research centers and groups in the research network on the topic of materials technology development, materials selection, materials analysis, and determination of their functional properties.

Conducting scientific, R&D and implementation work including:

  • analysis of existing mechanical engineering processes,
  • analysis of existing engineering solutions to identify areas for development,
  • design of mechanical processes and manufacturing techniques in the area of metal forming and technological processes used in the food and agri-food industry,
  • manufacture of research equipment for external customers and other research centres and groups,
  • automation of technological processes,
  • manufacture of prototypes and pilot batches using the developed technologies,
  • implementation of developed technologies into industrial practice through cooperation with customers.

Conducting scientific, R&D and implementation work in the areas of chemical technology, environmental chemistry and environmental protection through:

  • development of material recycling technologies,
  • development of environmentally friendly protection agents with effective action and low toxicity to the environment,
  • analysis of the needs for the development of chemical technologies in environmental protection,
  • design and testing of chemical and biological processes and equipment to protect and purify the air,
  • design and testing of chemical and biological processes and equipment to protect and purify water,
  • designing and testing chemical and biological processes and equipment to protect and purify soil,
  • implementation of developed environmental technologies into use,
  • development of low-carbon, renewable energy and waste-to-energy technologies,
  • development of energy storage technologies,
  • calculation of carbon footprint and environmental life cycle assessments (LCA) of products and technologies.

Director of the Centre for Sustainable Economy

Adam Torebko