An article dealing with the wooden construction published in a prestigious scientific journal

The article “The Future of Wood Construction: Opportunities and Barriers Based on Surveys in Europe and Chile”, co-authored by three employees of Łukasiewicz – PIT, was published in the recognized scientific journal “Sustainability” (IF 3.251, 100 points according to the Polish Ministry of Education and Science list).

The publication covers the issues of wooden construction in various aspects. The issue was examined by means of two questionnaires addressed to stakeholders related to the topic of wooden construction and potential users of wooden houses. The data was subjected to statistical analysis, and then, the most important opportunities and barriers to the increase in the use of wood in construction in individual regions and for individual groups of recipients were selected.

Co-authors – Ewa Leszczyszyn, MSc, Gabriela Bidzińska, MSc and Dobrochna Augustyniak-Wysocka, MSc are employees of the Research Group of Strategic Analyses for the Wood Industry at the Center of Wood Technology of Łukasiewicz – PIT. On a daily basis, they deal with macro- and mesoeconomic issues related to the functioning of the forest and wood sector, prepare analyses of the wood market and short- and long-term forecasts for its development as well as monitor economic, organizational, technical and technological phenomena occurring in forestry and wood industries. Moreover, they constantly monitor the market of wood and its processing products for the needs of national and international statistics. They combine research work with the implementation of national and EU projects and publishing activities.

The article was written within the international project: “Building A SustainAble Joint between rurAl and UrbaN Areas Through Circular And Innovative Wood Construction Value Chains” (BASAJAUN). The project received funding from the EU research and innovation program “Horizon 2020” under grant agreement no. 862942.

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