Invention entitled ‘Warehouse gate’ (Pat.216589/P.388902)
The object of the invention is a warehouse gate comprising a frame with RFID antennas mounted thereon, wherein at least one RFID antenna is mounted on each of the vertical sides of the frame on a sliding and rotatable bracket, and wherein between the at least one RFID antenna and the vertical side of the frame on which it is mounted, an absorption element made of a material that attenuates waves of the frequency of the waves emitted by the RFID antennas is provided, and wherein the at least one RFID antenna including its bracket is encased in a cover.
Status of legal protection:
The technology consists of patent Pat.216589 granted by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, in force since 28 August 2009.
The property rights to the invention are vested in the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology and Intersport Poland joint-stock company.
Contact person:
Tomasz Markowski
Kierownik Grupy Badawczej Urządzeń ElektronicznychGrupa Badawcza Urządzeń Elektronicznych
Tel.: +48 887 778 716