Invention entitled ‘System of blowing off the dislodged vegetable masses’ (P.439360)


The object of the application is a system for blowing off dislodged vegetable masses, applicable in particular in food forming systems, using compressed air. The blow-off system is characterized by the fact that, the pneumatic removing tool connected with a pressure reducing regulator, consists of a body (1) detachably connected to a die, between which there is a sealing ring and a channel for supplying air through a throttle-return valve (2), attached to the body. In the base of the die there are holes, advantageously distributed evenly in a circle, while to the upper surface of the body there is attached a holder (3) for quick assembly equipped with a clearance cancellation system.

Układ odmuchu wybijanych mas warzywnych z zaznaczonymi elementami - korpusem, zaworem dławiąco-zwrotnym i uchwytem szybkiego montażu


  • An arrangement is designed for rapid assembly.
  • Elimination of the problem of mass sticking to the surface of the tool.
  • Allows trouble-free washing.

Status of legal protection:

The technology consists of a patent application to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland registered under number P.439360 of 29 October 2021.

Property rights to the invention are vested 100% in the Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology.

Contact person:

Agata Bieńczak

Lider obszaru ds. techniki i technologii spożywczej
Grupa Badawcza Inżynierii Mechanicznej

Tel.: +48 504 109 717

E-mail: agata.bienczak@pit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

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