Invention entitled ‘Method and device for stopping trains using GSM-R network’ (P.437343)


A method of stopping trains using the GSM-R network within a specified access area, characterized in that: a numerical value specifying the geographic coordinates of the obstacle in front of which trains should be stopped is determined; a telegram containing a coded numerical value specifying the geographic coordinates of the obstacle and a coded numerical value of the range of influence, specifying the desired distance of the starting point of train braking in front of the obstacle, which exceeds the longest known braking distance of running trains, is transmitted to a specified telephone number as an SMS message using the GSM-R communication system.


  • Only selected trains are stopped and not all trains in a given area as in Radio-Stop
  • Illegal use by outsiders is virtually impossible unlike Radio-Stop.
  • No modifications to GSM-R network software required.

Status of legal protection:

The technology consists of patent application to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland registered under No. P.437342 of 19 March 2021.

The property rights to the invention are vested 100% in the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology.

Contact person:

Marta Cudziło

Główny specjalista – Kierownik Grupy Badawczej Logistyk
Grupa Badawcza Logistyki

Tel.: +48 61 850 49 57

E-mail: marta.cudzilo@pit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

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