Invention entitled ‘A device for the precise removal of weeds, especially in wide-row crops’ (P.428415)


The technology includes a device for precision removal of weeds, especially in wide-row crops. The device is mainly used as part of weeding systems mounted on autonomous robots.

The use of solutions available on the market and described in the patent base causes inconveniences, for example, in the form of limited application in precision agriculture. Indeed, this is relevant to the removal of weeds that grow between plants planted in a single row.

The essence of the device, which is the object of the described technology, is the working element, which is a cutting part mounted to an arm rotating relative to the frame, and in the working area of the arm, bumpers are also mounted to the frame.


  • device designed for use in precision agriculture
  • increased working width,
  • possibility of non-invasive bypassing the crown of the plant,
  • minimization and compensation of the driving force of the weeder working element,
  • minimization of the working resistance of the weeder from cutting in the passive position,
  • reduced risk of undercutting the plant in the row,
  • short reaction time to signals to bypass the plant,
  • lower inertial mass of moving parts,
  • resistance to stone impact,
  • increased positioning accuracy of the cutting element,
  • adaptability to many solutions.

Status of legal protection:

The technology consists of a patent application to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland registered under number P.428415 dated December 28, 2018.

Property rights to the invention are vested 100% in the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology.

Contact person:

Roman Rogacki

Lider obszaru ds. konstrukcji maszyn rolniczych
Grupa Badawcza Konstrukcji

Tel.: +48 600 938 588

E-mail: roman.rogacki@pit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

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