Ultar – Commercialisation support

Project co-financed by the state budget. Project co-financed by a specific grant from the President of the Łukasiewicz Centre
Acronym: Ultar
Type: R&D
Grant: PLN 50 000
Total value: PLN 50 000
Start date: 01.12.2021
Project completion date: 31.03.2022
Ultar is an in-building localisation system. Modern technology such as UWB (Ultra WideBand) allows markers to be located with an accuracy of a few centimetres. This is a breakthrough in in-building systems.
The Ultar team is building a system that is low-cost and easy for target implementation. A phone with a navigation app will clearly make it easier for the consumer to navigate public buildings and will not force them to learn about a new device.
Today, UWB can be found in iPhones and Samsung’s flagship models. However, market growth projections indicate that, as with Bluetooth and WiFi, it will be difficult to find one without UWB on board in the next generation of phones. The projected annual growth in market value between 2020 and 2025 ranks at 19.6 % per year.
Ultar’s three most important elements are UWB anchors, UWB tags and a cloud-based billing and configuration application. UWB anchors are elements that are always necessary. In in-building location, it performs an analogous function to satellites in GPS. UWB tags will be able to be phones or devices specially prepared by us in the form of a wristband, pendant or key ring. A cloud-based application will enable the system to be configured and billing to be carried out between Ultar and customers.
Ultar has a clear advantage over its competitors. Firstly, Ultar will be open to communication with third-party tags. This will make it easy to attach a new localised object without having to purchase a new device. Secondly, Ultar wants to provide the localisation service, not just the hardware infrastructure. This will make implementation much cheaper. A customer starting a relationship with Ultar will pay a subscription fee many times lower than the price of competitors’ equipment.