TOOP – The Once-Only Principle Project

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The Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP) was launched by the European Commission in January 2017 as an initiative of about 50 organisations from 20 EU Member States and Associated Countries.

The main objective of TOOP is to explore and demonstrate the once-only principle across borders, focusing on data from businesses. Doing this, TOOP wants to enable better exchange of business related data or documents with and between public administrations and reduce administrative burden for both businesses and public administrations.

Most important challenges

Testing and demonstrating in practice the operation of the “one-stop principle” from a cross-border perspective (across EU borders) in the framework of contacts between public administration in the EU and entrepreneurs.


  1. A unique IT architecture that will optimally connect the registers and IT systems of EU public institutions based on existing technical solutions.
  2. The streamlining of data exchange between businesses and public administration on a pan-European scale.


  • Reducing bureaucracy
  • Faster handling of official matters in another country
  • Higher quality of services provided by public administrations across the EU
  • Building citizen- and business-friendly administration