PYRAGRAF – Decentralized pyrolytic conversion of agriculture and forestry wastes towards local circular value chains and sustainability

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101114608.
Type: R&D
Start date: 01.07.2023
Project completion date: 31.12.2027
Project objectives:
The PYRAGRAF project aims to create a mobile, all-in-one system to showcase the conversion of agricultural and forestry waste into valuable products through pyrolysis. The project will seek to develop changes in agro-forestry practice for the production of tailored low-carbon products that meet the ambitious requirements of policies and strategies set out by the EU.
Łukasiewicz – PIT will be mainly responsible for assessing the techno-economic, environmental and social impact of the project results. The assessment will be carried out through the development of a detailed techno-economic analysis to assess the feasibility of implementing the project, as well as a detailed life cycle study to assess the social and environmental impact (e.g. acceptance by local communities, greenhouse gas emissions).
The task will be implemented through the following specific objectives:
- O6.1 An assessment of the technical and economic feasibility of the proposed pyrolytic solution.
- O6.2 Assessment of the impact on sustainable environmental development through life cycle analysis.
- O6.3 Analysis of the social impact (particularly on rural communities) of the project.
- O6.4 Optimisation of business and production processes (methodology in accordance with the BPMN 2.0. standard).
More information on the project website