POIG.02.03.00-00-014/09 – Adapting the IT infrastructure
Investment project POIG.02.03.00-00-014/09 entitled: Adapting the IT infrastructure for the effective use of the research
and intellectual capacity of ITD in Poznan”
The Wood Technology Institute (ITD) in Poznan was granted finance from European Regional Development Fund for implementation of the project no. POIG.02.03.00-00-014/09 entitled:
„Adapting the IT infrastructure for the effective use of the research
and intellectual capacity of ITD in Poznan”
The Project is implemented under The Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013:
Priority 2
R&D infrastructure
Measure 2.3
Investments connected with development of IT infrastructure of science
Sub-measure 2.3.1
Projects connected with development of IT infrastructure of science
Sub-measure 2.3.2
Projects in regard of the development of digitalised information resources for science
Project execution term:
1st October 2009 – 30th June 2013
The general objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the Wood Technology Institute through modernization of IT infrastructure and to enable conduct of modern R&D that will help raise the quality, the attractiveness and the innovativeness of the services provided by the Institute for entities in Poland and abroad.
The detailed objectives of the project are:
Supplying ITD with specialized software, which will enable design of new databases and further development of the existing
Creating a modern server room and equipping it with servers that meet the requirements of modern IT networks
Increasing the bandwidth of the built teleinformatic networks
Implementation of the project implementation will indirectly contribute to a better and modern use of one of the most important domestic renewable resources, which is wood. It is forecasted that execution of the project will also indirectly contribute to an increased share of the innovative products of the Polish economy and the wood and furniture industries within the domestic and international market by anticipated implementation of new products and technologies.
Project Manager
Anna Gałecka, MSc
+48 61 849 24 65