EU Network of Regions On Sustainable Wood Mobilisation Ready For Digitalisation – ROSEWOOD4.0

Projekt w ramach umowy grantowej nr 862681 (Horyzont 2020) pt.: “Regionalna sieć Unii Europejskiej na rzecz zrównoważonej mobilizacji drewna i cyfryzacji leśnictwa” (ROSEWOOD4.0)
In January 2020 Research and Strategic Analysis in the Wood Sector Department of the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Wood Technology Institute started a 2-year coordination and support project financed under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme entitled:
EU Network Of Regions On Sustainable Wood Mobilisation Ready For Digitalisation (ROSEWOOD4.0)
The main goal of the project is to close the knowledge gap and support sustainable wood mobilization in EU-Regions through enhancing the role of Wood Mobilisation Regional Hubs which promote sustainable and economic development of the forest sector for the benefit of rural areas, regions and communities.
Specific objectives of the project include:
- Enhancing and sustaining Wood mobilization Regional Hubs in 5 main European regions (North, South-East, South-West, Central-West and Central-East of Europe) as cooperation platforms and innovation networks for efficient knowledge transfer-exchange and dissemination between regions and for co-creation of interest groups;
- Transferring and communicating intensively information and knowledge about best practices, innovations and research findings related to sustainable wood mobilisation and competitiveness;
- Identifying and developing cooperation and innovation between players inside the multi-actor network as well as exploiting synergies between EU-Regions (strength and weaknesses of regions) for efficient transfer of relevant best-practices. Supporting the uptake and exploitation of existing best practices and innovations by multi-actors in the value-chain and by EU-Regions;
- Supporting the design of new business opportunities for sustainable wood mobilisation through capacity building, training and knowledge resources available at the European Wood Mobilisation Regional Hubs, aiming in particular at the formation of new and upgrade of exiting initiatives.
The project is co-financed by the European Union.
The total funding of the project – 2.05 million €.
Financing tasks carried out by the Institute – 30.3 thousand €.
The project involves 21 partners from 18 European countries (Poland, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Austria, France, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ukraine, Romania, Sweden and Norway).
Further details: and
Project Leader:
dr Anthony Salingre
+49 0721 935191 16
Steinbeis Innovation GGMBH
Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, 76133 Karlsruhe, Niemcy
Project Leader in Poland:
Dobrochna Augustyniak-Wysocka, MSc
+48 61 849 24 73