Łukasiewicz – PIT will work on improving digital services for entrepreneurs

Spotkanie w ramach projektu dotyczącego usprawnień usług cyfrowych dla przedsiębiorców

Łukasiewicz – Poznan Institute of Technology is starting a project on improving digital services for entrepreneurs, including in the area of electronic services for employees. The project is being carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and in cooperation with the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.

The project involves the development of a new e-service for the public digitisation of contracts and personnel documents and the modernisation of the existing e-service for electronically submitting and receiving documents via the Biznes.gov.pl system. This will expand the catalogue of electronic services for entrepreneurs available through Biznes.gov.pl.

Users of Biznes.gov.pl will be able to issue and conclude contracts with employees or contractors or exchange other personnel documents.

Other features of the service are to be developed as part of the project, e.g. the catalogue of payment methods will be expanded to include BLIK and payment cards. Some of the cases being processed will be switched from the ePUAP transmission channel, which is planned to be discontinued in 2029, to the e-Delivery (e-Doręczenia) channel.  Further changes also concern the modernisation of the existing service through integration with the newly created Single Digital Gateway (SDG) Technical System. This will increase the use of cross-border services by Polish and foreign companies and will indirectly increase the digital competence of Polish entrepreneurs. In order to realise the above functionalities, it is also intended to modernise the CEIDG (Central Registration And Information On Business) system.

The total cost of the project is PLN 44.8 million, including EU funding of PLN 35.7 million. The project is expected to be completed in March 2027.