Invention entitled ‘Method of partial refining of vegetable oil’ (Pat.232781/P.416163)


Vegetable oils are obtained from oily plants by pressing or extracting them.  The result of pressing or extraction are crude oils, which for food purposes require additional refining processes. During the production of cooking oil on an industrial scale, the refining processes of deodorization, deacidification, bleaching and degumming are indispensable elements of the technology.  Deodorization involves the removal of lower fatty acids, ketones and aldehydes by distillation. The process is energy intensive and requires the use of precision industrial equipment. The proposed method of partial refining of vegetable oil consists in bleaching and degumming the crude oil cooled to below 50°C, to which unactivated or organic acid-activated bentonite and an aqueous solution of citric acid of the maximum possible concentration in an amount of less than 1% by weight of the oil are added. The oil is then mixed with adsorbents and filtered, separating impurities during expeller removal with a volumetric filter. By this method, the processes of oil degumming and bleaching are performed simultaneously in the same time and environment.  As a result of the introduction of a citric acid solution into the oil, with a temperature below 50°C, a suspension is formed, and the separation of the suspension is carried out by means of bentonite applied to the filter with the absorbed dyes and solid impurities of the oil.A citric acid solution of the maximum concentration is added to the oil, as the increased amount of solution increases the proportion of water in the oil. An oil containing less than 30 ppm of phosphorus is obtained without changing other parameters, as well as a filtrate, which is added to the expellers.


  • independent production of industrial or consumer oil of improved quality,
  • obtaining a chemical-free filtrate that can be added to the expellers as a feed ingredient, for example,
  • higher yield of oil of good quality.

Status of legal protection:

The technology consists of patent Pat.229320 granted by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, in force from 17 February 2016.

Property rights to the invention are held by: Bastik Ltd, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology and the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty.

Contact person:

Florian Adamczyk

Lider obszaru ds. eksploatacji maszyn rolniczych
Grupa Badawcza Konstrukcji

Tel.: +48 507 794 069

E-mail: florian.adamczyk@pit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

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