Invention entitled ‘Device for the production of highly compacted briquettes from stalk and/or stem crops, especially hooked to a tractor’ (Pat.219099/P.398864)


The technology in question involves the production of highly compacted briquettes from stalk and or stem crops. It is implemented by a tractor-trailed device designed to work directly in the field. The technological cycle includes picking up cut and uncut plant material, compacting it, shaping the briquette into an endless roll, cutting it into briquettes in sections of standard lengths, feeding and loading the produced briquettes onto an associated wheeled transport vehicle or into a suspended big-bag. The machine is used to produce briquettes that can be used as a RES or as a stress relieving toy for young livestock. The technology is carried out directly in the field, and the briquetted material (gray straw, hay, vegetation from wasteland) must be dried and not cut, shredded. For increased durability, the briquette can be wrapped with thin natural string.


  • independent production of briquettes directly in the field from various straw and grass-green materials;
  • the possibility of collecting briquettes in various ways on a trailer or in bags;
  • low power requirement;
  • adjustment of briquette length to suit the use.

Status of legal protection:

The technology consists of patent Pat.219099 granted by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, in force from April 17, 2012.

Property rights to the invention are vested in the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology and Protech Ltd.

Contact person:

Florian Adamczyk

Lider obszaru ds. eksploatacji maszyn rolniczych
Grupa Badawcza Konstrukcji

Tel.: +48 507 794 069

E-mail: florian.adamczyk@pit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

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