Invention entitled ‘Centre plough of a road grader, especially for road vehicles’ (Pat.244943 /P.424262)
The invention is a centre plough of a road grader, especially for road vehicles. The device is used for removing snow cover and ripping the ice layer off the roadway. It is also useful for repairing and levelling unpaved roads to keep them clear and passable.
Truck-mounted graders are often equipped with rather heavy ploughs with a large number of components and subassemblies, which entails a lengthy assembly and preparation for operation.
- simplified construction in terms of functionality,
- the structure is compact and robust,
- improved suitability for cutting and crushing ice layers,
- self-sharpening of the working edges of the scraper plates,
- improved ploughing efficiency,
- simplified assembly of plough components.
Status of legal protection:
The technology consists of patent Pat.244943 granted by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, in force from 12 January 2018.
Property rights to the invention are vested 100% in the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology.

Contact person:
Tomasz Szulc
Główny specjalista – Kierownik Sekcji Rozwoju Maszyn Rolniczych i LeśnychGrupa Badawcza Konstrukcji
Tel.: +48 784 638 264