Invention entitled ‘Aerosol generator, especially of solid-state particles’ (P.439434)


The object of the application is an aerosol generator into which low-pressure gas is fed, using the bottom port of the device. The pressure obtained between the pre-chamber and the porous mass is measured by a pressure sensor placed perpendicularly in the base port of the aerosol generator. The pressure difference between the pre-chamber of the fluidiser and the interior of the exchangeable fluidiser container causes gas to flow through the porous mass. The gas, after exiting the porous mass, lifts the powder material inside to form an aerosol. The aerosol is transported by means of pressure difference towards the aerosol discharge port of the chamber, losing heavier particles and agglomerates as it goes up.


  • Possibility of aerosol generation from small amounts of powder material (above 2g)
  • Reduced impact of air on the powder material by placing it in a protective atmosphere
  • Facilitated replacement of the aerosol generating module and its cleaning.

Status of legal protection:

The technology is a patent application to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland registered under number P.439434 of 4 November 2021.

The property rights to the invention are vested 100% in the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology.

Contact person:

Grzegorz Kubicki

Starszy Specjalista ds. Inżynierii Powierzchni
Grupa Badawcza Inżynierii Materiałowej

Tel.: +48 61 657 05 55 wew. 139

E-mail: grzegorz.kubicki@pit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

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