SPROUT – Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition

projekt Sprout


SPROUT – Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition

Celem projektu jest zbadanie oddziaływania nowych technologii na transport towarowy i pasażerski w obszarach miejskich. Wśród miast pilotażowych znajdą się m.in. Walencja, Wenecja, Budapeszt, Tel Aviv, Ningbo z Chin oraz położony w Wielkopolsce Kalisz.

Key Challenges
Investigating the impact of new technologies on freight and passenger transport in urban areas and their impact on sustainable urban development and policy making.


  • prototype of a sensory network and a smart bay, which will be used to carry out tests related to the management of logistics operations in the urban area.
  • an application enabling planning, booking and payment for parking in urban areas.


  • shaping future urban policy on the management of logistics operations in the urban area.
  • implementing operational and business models based on digital technologies and meeting the needs of transport system users.