SAFARI – Safe and sustainable by design graphene/MXenes hybrids


Project co-funded by the Horizon Europe programme

Acronym: SAFARI

Type: R&D

Grant: PLN 2 508 340 (for Łukasiewicz - PIT)

Total value: PLN 15 502 172

Start date: 01.12.2023

Project completion date: 31.03.2026

Project objectives:
The aim of the SAFARI project is to develop a new technology for the production of MXenes, an alternative to the technology currently used, which is inefficient, difficult, expensive and not very environmentally friendly.

The project involves first trials of applications of the produced materials, including for sensors for the medical industry, as well as for water purification, lubrication or catalysis.


  • Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology (Poland)
  • Creative Nano PC
  • Universidad de Burgos (Spain)
  • Instituto Tecnologico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (Spain)
  • Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (Portugal)
  • Asociación del Investigación Metalúrgica Del Noroeste (Spain)
  • Teknologisk Institut (Denmark)
  • Israel Aerospace Industries LTD. (Israel)
  • Thinkworks BV
  • Axia Innovation UG (Germany)
  • Metrohm Dropsens SL. (Spain)