MOTIONAL – European Rail Flagship Project 1: MOTIONAL – Mobility management multimodal environment and digital enablers

Project co-funded by HORIZON JU Innovation Actions
Type: R&D
Start date: 01.12.2022
Project completion date: 30.09.2026
The project FP1-MOTIONAL aims to improve planning and operational management of rail services and offers to meet the European goal of making rail the preferred mode of transport. The project aims to develop a future European Traffic Management System (TMS) that is interoperable, resilient, able to adapt the capacity and able to integrate all involved services, including last mile operations provided by other transport modes, by taking advantage of the potential of digitalisation. The project is divided into two major workstreams (WS). WS1 is focusing on planning and operation activities, as well as integration activities.WS2 is delivering transversally across the programme a set of digital enablers to support the development of destination-specific digital solutions such as Digital Twins.