Development of new, universal quick-relase chucks with pneumatic closing and axial displacement for use in automated technological lines
Development of new, universal quick-relase chucks with pneumatic closing and axial displacement for use in automated technological lines
Time of project implementation: 01.09.2020 – 29.11.2022
Project value: 5 957 127,47 zł
Co-financing of the project: 4 153 020,12 zł
(w tym Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology: 1 054 988,94 zł)
In order to implement the project, a consortium has been established, consisting of:
- Włodzimierz Burchard Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno Handlowe „GOBEST” (PPH „GOBEST”), Poznań – Lider
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology, Poznań
The goal of the project is to develop and manufacture prototype quick-release chucks, which are mainly used in winding and unwinding devices A series of quick-clamping grips with the possibility of axial sliding and pneumatic opening will be made. It will enable elimination or reduction of the unfavorable deflection of the rollers mounted in the holder.
The project is implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program.