CRESTIMB – Innovative timber building systems with increased service life

Project funded under the contract with the National Science Centre No. UMO-2023/05/Y/ST11/00182 within the framework of the ForestValue2 initiative (HORIZON EUROPE Coordination and Support Action)
Type: R&D
Total value: EUR 2 227 849, of which EUR 64 887 (PLN 301 584) for Łukasiewicz-PIT
Start date: 01.04.2024
Project completion date: 31.03.2027
Project objectives:
The CRESTIMB project aims to develop an innovative system of timber structures suitable for multi-storey buildings with open spaces. The proposed system will consist of a strong timber frame made of coniferous or hardwood glulam with innovative beam-to-column connections and cross-glued floor panels using dowels. In addition, the CRESTIMB project will develop a novel rheological model that can be applied to 3D issues and will allow all major rheological phenomena in softwood and hardwood to be described in detail, including non-linear properties.
Consortium members:
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. (Finland)
- Norwegian University of Science and technology (Norway)
- University of Galway (Ireland)
- Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
- University ofL’Aquila (Italy)
- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology (Poland)
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – ITECH Institute of Innovation and Technology (Poland)
- UNSW (Australia)
- Puutuoteteollisuus ry (Finland)
- Moelven Limtre AS (Norway)
- Coillte (Ireland)
- Medite Smartply (Ireland)
The CRESTIMB project will develop a novel methodology for assessing service life based on the mechanical response of structural timber.
Determining the service life or its limit based on multiphysics simulations of the material and the subsequent use of this predicted service life in life cycle assessment are two completely new approaches developed in the proposed project.