BIOSTRATEG3/343817/17/ NCBR /2018 – CFOOD

Project no. BIOSTRATEG3/343817/17 NCBR/2018: “Development: an innovative method of calculating the carbon footprint for a basic basket of food products”.


Agreement no.: BIOSTRATEG3/343817/17/NCBR/2018 8
Project implementation time: 02/07/2018 – 01/07/2021
Akronym: CFOOD

The project was carried out as part of the 3rd contest of the Strategic Program for Scientific Research and Development “Natural environment, agriculture and forestry”.
Project value: PLN 8 531 062
Co-financing amount: PLN 7 930 412


  • Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego im. prof. Wacława Dąbrowskiego – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
  • Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Politechnika Poznańska
  • Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
  • Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych
  • Unifreeze Sp. z o.o.


Project description:

The project “Development of an innovative method of calculating the carbon footprint for a basic basket of food products” is carried out under the 3rd competition of the Strategic Program for Scientific Research and Development “Natural environment, agriculture and forestry” – BIOSTRATEG covers the development of an innovative technology for the production of new frozen and freeze-dried products and the implementation of prototype of a technological line for the production of frozen food, including the calculation of the carbon footprint.

Effects to be achieved:

A development of an innovative methodology for calculating the carbon footprint for the basic basket of frozen food, having an impact on the development of carbon footprint reduction technology through the use of full-value vegetable selection for the production of food products with increased health and nutritional values. These activities will result in rationalization and reduction of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by the food industry.

Key benefits:

The developed technology will positively affect the health of the society, due to increasing the share of vegetables in the diet, while providing wholesome products in a form that is quick and easy to prepare. The obtained results can be used for the purposes of the environmental and social sustainable development of the country and the reduction of negative effects of civilization phenomena and climate change in terms of the European low-emission policy.

Deployment sectors:

The project is in line with the current trends, supporting the circular bioeconomy trend, in line with the motto that “today’s waste will be tomorrow’s products”. It applies especially to the food industry, which is a conglomerate of many technologies: production, distribution, processing and storage of food, which has a significant impact on the environment. The project results have great commercial potential and are a breakthrough in the market.

More about the project on the project leader website: [ here ]